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Kah Sheets Lake Cabin

Great Cabin with good deck system.

This cabin has a lot going for it, beautiful lake, great dock, a trail to the ocean, great covered deck, and lots of space inside. With an elevation of 150 feet and an easy in and out it is also a safe place to go. The trail follows Kah Sheets creek which is often full of sockeye salmon. Sockeye do not bite so you cannot catch them. I have been to this cabin several times and it is one of my favorites. I have not had a problem with wind on this dock but when you look at the length of the lake it could be an issue. When you look at the picture of the plane on the dock, note the grass, it is actually marshy. To the left of the dock there is a protected place to put the plane but you would need waders.

Link to Forest Service site.  http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/tongass/recreation/camping-cabins/recarea/?recid=79010&actid=101                                     

Link to Recreation.gov to book cabin.   https://www.recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/233017

Upper story for sleeping.

Covered deck space.

Great dock

Good trail system to stream and beach.
